Friday, September 18, 2009


So while I have been deployed there are alot of conflicts I have gone through. Nothing is like the one that is going on now. When we left home we got a bunch of people who were not organic 1161st. Which means we got a bunch of people from other units to fill our numbers. One of them was our platoon leader who is a Lieutenant. Being an LT I have to give him the proper military respects, however this moron is only 23. He has no experience leading anything other than himself and he doesnt even do that right. When we first deployed he wanted nothing to do with the training that we did as a platoon, you know team building, to make sure we all get along. Well when we got to Iraq he decided he wanted to be a bigger part. All he does is get in the way, He has even tried to get SFC Garcia, a good friend of mine and the second platoon platoon sergeant, in a ton of trouble. Some of which has included me and is part of the reason as to why I got removed from my platoon. This guy has admitted that he has tried to get Garcia fired from his job. Now let me tell you that Garcia has been in the military for 20 years and is about to retire. So I would think that having 20 years of experience is a little bit better than zero freakin experience.
Well anywho, a bunch of NCO's are getting together tomorrow to talk about the crap that has been going on, and how our chain of command is at fault. They want me to be there but I dont think that I want to be involved with that because I have this feeling that it is going to backfire on them all. I am really sad that I am not part of the Platoon but I feel as though I am away from all the BS that is happening. So I would like to say for the record, I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO BEING A TRUCK DRIVER AND I CANNOT WAIT TO GET OUT OF THE MILITARY.

-It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop-

Friday, September 11, 2009


So a while ago I went for a run. I was running for about 45 min, when I came back I had huge blisters on each foot. It was so painful for about 3 days. So once that was all good I started to prepare for the 5k that I did today. Well I ran that which was the first 5k I have ever done. When I got done with that I didnt have blisters ohhh no. What I had was two raw spots, one on each foot. Both of which were far worse than any blister. I cant even walk right now. I hope that this heals quickly I cant stand to be in pain when I walk.

-It is good to learn what to avoid by studying the misfortunes of others-
Publius Syrius

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So today I have come to realize that with this new job in the office, I tend to hang out by myself. I went to lunch today by myself, kinda boring. I usually dont have time anymore to hang out with my friends from my platoon. I work 4-midnight everyday and then sleep right after that. All of my friends work the nights, so when I am done with my shift and ready or bed everyone else is still working. Im not exactly sure why I care that eat alone, but for some reason I like to talk to people. Oh well I guess, I am not going to worry about it anymore, if I hang out with people thats fine but thats not the important thing. Its more important for me to talk to my wife and family than it is to worry about who I hang out with over here. Really starting to miss everything back home lately. I have been thinking alot about Toby lately, I wonder if he even knows that I am gone, or if he will recognize me when I get home. I unfortunately have even thought what will happen in a few years if something were to happen to him. I really dont like to think about it but I know it will happen eventually. Any who these thoughts for this blog havent been that happy I guess but I am doing well and trying to enjoy myself when I can. Hopefully Ill be home in late February.

Ask yourself this question:
"Will this matter a year from now?"
Richard Carlson