Saturday, August 29, 2009

1:37 AM

So yeah thats what time it is right now. I have slept for a total of about 1 hour and 20 min. This has been happening more and more lately. I will sleep for an hour or two then I wont be able to sleep again for a while. What is the deal? This really sucks, I havent slept a continuos 6-8 hour period (without some kind of sleeping aid) since the first deployment. I gotta see if I can blame this on the military some how. Other than that things are alright here. I get to go on a mission again soon, yeah I am actually a truck driver not a secretary. Glad someone finally figured that out. Well thats about all I got for now, stayed tuned for more updates.

How ya doin'? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.
Homer Simpson

(just thought that was humorous, dont forget to praise Jebus)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Things that I miss

So anyways I was sitting here trying to think of what to write about, when I suddenly started thinking of the things I am missing out on. For one I just looked at a friends facebook and saw their hiking photos. Great shots of Mt Rainier, that's one thing I would love to be doing right now. The other is my wife of course, I miss her the most. I also miss my dog, Toby. Elizabeth said that he has been depressed without me, I cant tell if its true or if she is just trying to make me feel better. There are numerous other things that I miss but the one big thing that I am going to miss in January is my best friends wedding. I have known Aaron for at least 20 years and he was my best man. They tried to push the wedding back so I would make it in time but they couldn't push it out any longer than January. I appreciate them trying to make it so that I can be there but it is just almost impossible. I guess I will have to make it up to them when I get home. Any ways that's about all I have for now, I don't want to dwell on these things, makes it harder to be here.

-One way to get the most out of life is
to look upon it as an adventure-
William Feather

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New hours

HOORAY. I finally got new hours at work. I am now working the swing shift, so afternoon to late evening. I am excited cuz this means no more early mornings and more time to spend talking to my wife on skype. Thats the best part in my mind, my wife means everything to me and I miss her so much. Only like three and half months till Hawaii. Yeah woohoo.

-A loving heart is the truest wisdom-
Charles Dickens

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tired but different

I just have to say that I am a little bit tired of random crap that happens. The only thing that helps is talking to my wife EVERY day sometimes twice a day. Its nice to be able to share with her everything that happens. But I tell you I run into people getting all butt hurt over stupid crap, I am not going to go into details but its just ridiculous. Anyways my stay in the office might not be forever which for me is nice but I know all of you at home dont like it but ... it is what it is.

Ok well thats all I got for now, it was kind of nice to vent there a little maybe I can figure some way of letting these people know that they are be ridiculous.

-Energy and persistence conquer all things.-
Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, August 13, 2009

To Tired

I am just way too tired to post something long and drawn out. All I have to say is that you pray for me... I am having a tough time with swearing right now, its kinda out of control. Yeah thats it... off to bed.

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So right I was sitting here trying to think of what to title this blog... as I sat there I was listening to this song that was really getting me to start ... rockin out I guess is the only way to describe it. Any ways the song was Second Chance by Shinedown. I just wanted to say that cuz I really liked the song

Ok so now for the real stuff. Today was a bit of a long day, I sat in my little office and filled out paperwork, entered data into the computer, answered phones and I maybe got in a little game of minesweeper or spider solitaire. I got to say though this whole office job thing isnt all that bad over here. Time seems to fly by when I sit in there. There is one down fall though... I dont get a whole lot of exercise in there and when I get done with the day I have no motivation to go and work out or run. I am going to have to find some way of motivating myself to do something other than ping pong. Oh yeah yesterday I spent about 3-4 hours playing ping pong (when I say playing I mean that I sat there while Jason, a friend of mine, sat there and just punished me with his advanced skills.) But after that I felt like I had improved just a little. Well tonight I played my new boss which I have known for about 7 years. I beat him three games out of five. I was so amazed. I am not that good but I guess I have some good reflexes.

Well thats all I got for now... maybe more when something actually happens.

-Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need.-

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another day another dollar

Well thats one more for the record books. Another day spent in this freakin place. Today was a busy day, not supposed to be, supposed to be an easy day cuz there is nothing to do on sunday. But no I had to do more paperwork than ever. Stupid LT and not being able to do anything right... grrrrrr. Anyways talked to Elizabeth sunday evening and it made everything better. I even got to see my niece Adysson, if only for a brief second. All the babies are getting really big, probably wont even recognize me when I get back. Well we'll see.

-A wise man learns by the mistakes of others, a fool by his own.-

Saturday, August 8, 2009

What a finish

Man, I have not run that fast in like six years. What a great way to end the day; two mile run (13:56), five game tournament of ping pong, and now I am going to shower and watch a movie that I havent seen. Not bad for a pitiful day in Iraq.

-Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine.-
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, August 7, 2009

So far so good

Today was supposed to be easy but instead I had to deal with alot of crap. The good thing about it is that no matter how bad things got today I just had to think of Elizabeth and everything instantly felt better, not to mention that I also got another package today from her.
I tell you every time I get a package it feels a little bit like Christmas. Not knowing what else is in the box besides what Ive asked for. Good feelings. Anyways just some random thoughts hope they keep you entertained, and keep up the good thoughts till I get home.

-First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to.-

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First of many... hopefully

Thought I would try this out and see if I can keep it updated so that way those of you at home can see whats goin on.